2025 Auditions

In person auditions for Queen Street Dinner Theatre’s 27th summer season will take place Wednesday May 7th and Thursday May 8th, 7:30 p.m. at 19 King Street
(Jim’s Value Grocer Building) in Grand Falls-Windsor.
If you want to audition and are not available at these times, please let us know as other audition dates will be scheduled as necessary. Rehearsals will begin Wednesday May 20th. There are four shows on the 2025 playbill.
Please come prepared to perform a song that best demonstrates your vocal skills, (subtlety, power and range). You should be very familiar with all things regarding the chosen piece of music. Call backs will often require a song of the Producer/Director’s choice.
a) Always know your Lyrics
b) Be Confident
c) Showcase your personality, never give one word answers, always work on demonstrating, to the Casting Directors/Producer, how expressive you are.
Questions! Please call (709) 489-0435 or if you live out of town please call 1-877-822-7469